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Uncompensated Centrifugal Flow about Accelerated Cosmic Expansion

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2021.114007, PP. 83-93

Keywords: Fields Theory, Inertial Fields, Rotational Dynamics, Angular Momentum, Orbitation, Macroscopic Bodies Mechanics, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Centrifugal Action, Intermolecular Bonds, Cosmic Fabric, Inter-Astral Ligatures, Gravitational Field Strength

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Currently, we are under the perception of a visible universe which has an accelerated expansion, because repeated evidences obtained by several technics since the well known observations performed by Edwin Powell Hubble. The world scientific community was astonished by these observations, and since then until today, countless calculations have been made that only leave the hypothesis of the existence of an unknown cosmic entity that has the particularity of repelling matter from each other when it is sufficiently separated by huge amounts of that entity, which was called as “dark energy”. This “dark energy” is a completely unknown thing, and it is understood by some researchers as the convenient hypothesis, because it is which emerges from deep calculations and observations. Bearing in mind that we already know about all cosmic objects and systems are in rotation, both locally and not so locally, and that everything is full and endowed with intrinsic and extrinsic angular momentum, it seems logical to think that rotational dynamics must also apply to the more extensive, and that if locally (and not so locally) we perceive and infer rotating objects everywhere, then they must also exist globally. So, starting from the idea that rotation is omnipresent, at every level of sizes; from the invisibly small to the invisibly large, I thought that it is really wise to cover it through rotation dynamics, or that in the worst case, we cannot ignore the fact of the omnipresent rotation in any entity to infer. And this is the main reason for the resolution and the motivation of the birth of the publication of this study. Based on this seemingly simple idea, these results and conclusions of this study was reached: following a formal logic and evidence of the accelerated unfolding of the cosmic fabric, another hypothesis is proposed as an alternative to the existence of the “dark energy”: The intensities of centrifugal acceleration fluxes exceed the intensities of gravitational fluxes, which are not sufficient to compensate for the centrifugal flux, which is why baryonic and exotic matter, energy, space and time are extended, in geometric progression with respect to our apparent time. So, this unfolding of the cosmic fabric might not be caused by a “dark energy”, but by centrifugal fields of rotational-orbital domains. Besides all the above, this publication has a double purpose, because it is also intended to cover another matter; these deep attentions


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