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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Clinical Features of Post-Parturient Hemoglobinuriain Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes: A Review

DOI: 10.4236/ojvm.2021.114010, PP. 143-155

Keywords: Hypophosphatemia, Anemia, Post-Partum Hemoglobinuria, Cattle and Buffalo

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Postpartum hemoglobinuria (PPH) is a sporadic noninfectious syndrome which normally seen in bovine around the world. PPH is most commonly affecting high-productive cows and buffaloes during the early pregnancy and early lactation period. PPH stands as a serious threat to the dairy cattle and buffaloes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, affecting a considerable number of animals every year. It is characterized by hemoglobinuria, intravenous hemolysis, severe anemia, and death due to anemia and hypoxia. However, the exact mechanism of the mentioned illness is not completely understood. Lots of comprehensive studies have been done and/or still are in progress in order to find the exact causes of intravascular hemolysis that is responsible for hemoglobinuria in the mentioned disease. But, hypophosphatemia in the high productive milking cows during the early stage of milk production is widely confident to be associated with PPH. In different parts of the world, many risk factors had been reported to be associated with PPH. Decreasing the level of phosphorous in blood serum, interrupted the phospholipid layers of red blood cells resulting in hemoglobinuria, a decrease in milk production, anorexia, and the death of animals in the cause if remained untreated. Urinalysis and hematology findings are the most commonly suitable diagnostic tools for this disease. Lots of studies have been suggesting that injection of sodium acid phosphate along with important minerals and supportive therapy with anti-oxidants can be used as the therapeutic protocol for the management o


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