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Electrical Energy Quality Analysis in Hospital Centres

DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2021.124004, PP. 53-63

Keywords: Analysis, Quality of Electrical Energy, Distribution Network, Current Unbalance, Harmonic Disturbance

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Today, energy is a vital component in the functioning of a hospital. Hospital technical facilities have several types of technologies, these include appliances for use; examination apparatus. So, for Quality Health Care in a hospital, there is a need to ensure the proper functioning of hospital equipment. In addition to the required maintenance as specified by the device manufacturer, the quality of the electrical energy across the device must be ensured. This article is an analysis of the quality of electric energy at the substation of National Hospital of Niamey. Thereby, the data collection, followed by the data processing and analysis revealed the parameters characterizing the quality of electrical energy across the substation. Our studies have shown that the substation is underutilized as the maximum inrush current is less than half the available current. The current was consumed by the three phases has resulted in a strong current unbalance (230 A). However, the current unbalance and the voltage amplitude, are admissible accordingly base on EN50160 standard. Furthermore, the harmonics voltages present in this medium are in the accepted range (1.8%) according to IEEE 519 standard. However, the fundamental frequency does not meet the standard, but the difference obtained has no adverse effect.


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