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Simulation Analysis and Optimization of Rolling Process of Steel Rim

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2021.113004, PP. 34-51

Keywords: Roll Forming, Parameter Optimization, Simulation Analysis, Thickness Verification

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In order to solve the problems of rolling forming accuracy and fillet thinning of alloy steel rim, a three-dimensional model of three pass rolling process was established, and the influence of different process parameters on forming quality was analyzed by using the finite element software, and the optimal process parameter combination was obtained. On this basis, the simulation results of wheel rim stress and strain for each pass rolling are analyzed, and the particle tracking technology is introduced to analyze the variation rule of stress in each incremental step. Finally, the simulation and experimental results show that the simulation thickness is basically consistent with the actual thickness, which improves the accuracy of rim rolling forming, and further verifies the correctness of rolling process simulation.


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