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Systematical Development of NVH Engineering for Vehicle Electrical Powertrain Based on an Optimized V-Model

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2021.112002, PP. 7-15

Keywords: V-Model, NVH (Nosie Vibration and Harshness), SEP (System Engineering Process), Electrical Powertrain, MBS (Multi-Body System), Acoustic, Electromagnetic, Gear Mesh, Topology Optimization

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For systematical NVH development of vehicle (especially for mass-production passenger vehicles) electric powertrain, an optimized V-Model is designed and has been implemented in the entire component-vehicle development, which integrates three individual branches: simulation, validation and optimization. Compared to the V-models in the traditional sense, this optimized V-model is not only driven by requirement and task accomplishment but also maximum optimization of NVH system performance. In this case, developing procedures are capable to be efficiently iterated and the NVH engineering can be expanded into 3D with this V-model.


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