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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Circadian Model with the Simulated Actual Illumination

DOI: 10.12677/DSC.2021.101003, PP. 24-33

Keywords: 近日节律,视交叉上核(SCN),耦合强度的离散
Circadian Rhythm
, Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN), Dispersion of Coupling Strength

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To adapt to the circadian changes of the outside world, mammals regulate the biological clocks to maintain their normal operation according to the changes in the outside environment and various internal biological factors. In the existing literature, the illumination of each day is assumed to be fixed, but it changes over time. This paper firstly establishes a more realistic illumination model, then discusses the influence of the dispersion degree of neurotransmitter coupling strength and the ratio of the number of ventrolateral neurons to the total number of neurons under different light intensity on the entrainment of the SCN. The experimental results show that the illumination intensity plays a decisive role in the entrainment of the SCN, while the ratio of neurons in the ventrolateral region and the dispersion degree of neurotransmitter coupling intensity have little influence on the entrainment of the SCN. Compared with the periodic dark cycle, the illumination intensity also plays a decisive role in the entrainment, and the ratio of the neurons in the ventrolateral area and the dispersion degree of the neurotransmitter coupling intensity also have little influence on it. However, under the simulating actual illumination, there are fewer splits and a stronger ability of the entrainment to the external cycles.


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