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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Physiological, Anatomical, Psychological and Cultural-Ethnic Aspects of Indian Students Adaptation during Study in Kyrgyzstan Medical Universities

DOI: 10.4236/ojmp.2021.101001, PP. 1-10

Keywords: Foreign Students, Adaptation, Component Composition of the Body, Psychological State, Anthropometric Indicators

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This article is investigating the comparative analysis of anatomical, physiological, and psycho-emotional adaptation indicators of 100 male and 100 female first-year students of the international medical faculty in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Control groups have consisted of 100 male and 100 female local students of the same age, residing in the Osh city and region. Anthropometry is determined by 50 indicators, such as bio-impedance analysis of body composition, functional tests with exercise, and breathe holding. In addition, the girls underwent an assessment of sexual development according to Tyner. The psychological state was assessed using the Lüschers color test and Spielberger’s questionnaire. The features of anthropometric indicators for students from India are shown as a shorter length of the body, shoulder, and legs, greater waist coverage, an increase in the thickness of the skin folds of the abdomen, increased fat mass and delayed sexual development, anxiety, frequent and longer colds. Functional tests for breath holding and physical activity revealed less reserve capacity in foreign students. This requires the development of rehabilitation programs for foreign students, starting from the first year.


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