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A Simple Theory of Asymmetric Linear Elasticity

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2020.1010012, PP. 166-185

Keywords: Linear Elasticity, Asymmetric Linear Elasticity, Asymmetric Strain, Asymmetric Stress, Three-Parameter Hooke’s Law

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Rotation is antisymmetric and therefore is not a coherent element of the classical elastic theory, which is characterized by symmetry. A new theory of linear elasticity is developed from the concept of asymmetric strain, which is defined as the transpose of the deformation gradient tensor to involve rotation as well as symmetric strain. The new theory basically differs from the prevailing micropolar theory or couple stress theory in that it maintains the same basis as the classical theory of linear elasticity and does not need extra concepts, such as “microrotation” and “couple stresses”. The constitutive relation of the new theory, the three-parameter Hooke’s law, comes from the theorem about isotropic asymmetric linear elastic materials. Concise differential equations of translational motion are derived consequently giving the same velocity formula for P-wave and a different one for S-wave. Differential equations of rotational motion are derived with the introduction of spin, which has an intrinsic connection with rotation. According to the new theory, S-wave essentially has rotation as large as deviatoric strain and should be referred to as “shear wave” in the context of asymmetric strain. There are nine partial differential equations for the deformation harmony condition in the new theory; these are given with the first spatial differentiations of asymmetric strain. Formulas for rotation energy, in addition to those for (symmetric) strain energy, are derived to form a complete set of formulas for the total mechanical energy.


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