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γ-Ray Irradiation Effect on MCF Rubber Solar Cells with both Photovoltaics and Sensing Involving Semiconductors Fabricated under Magnetic and Electric Fields

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2020.108008, PP. 95-119

Keywords: γ-Irradiation, Irradiation Effect, Rubber, Magnetic Compound Fluid (MCF), Electrolytic Polymerization, Photovoltaics, Solar Cells, Magnetic Fluid, Natural Rubber, Silicone Rubber, Aggregation, Magnetic Field, Sensor, Piezo-Electricity, Built-in Electricity, Induced Voltage, Adhesion, Magnetic Cluster, Robot

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For cases in which a robot with installed solar cells and a sensor operates in a nuclear reactor building or in space for extravehicular activity, we require elastic and extensible solar cells. More than two different types of sensing are also required, minimally with photovoltaics and built-in electricity. Magnetic compound fluid (MCF) rubber solar cells are made of rubber, so they are elastic and extensible as well as sensitive. To achieve flexibility and an effective photovoltaic effect, MCF rubber solar cells must include both soluble and insoluble rubbers, Fe3O4, TiO2, Na2WO4?2H2O, etc. On the basis of this constitution, we propose a consummate fabrication process for MCF rubber solar cells. The characteristics of these cells result from the semiconductor-like role of the molecules of TiO2, Fe3O4, Ni, Na2WO4?2H2O, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), natural rubber (NR), oleic acid, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), water and magnetic cluster involved in the MCF rubber. Their tendencies can be deduced by synthesizing knowledge about the enhancement of the reverse-bias saturation current IS and the diode ideality factor N, with conventional knowledge about the semiconductor affected by γ-irradiation and the attenuation of the photon energy of γ-rays.


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