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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

Breast reconstruction: no need to “break new ground”

DOI: 10.1503/cjs.1962101

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I would like to respond to the commentary “Oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery in Canada: breaking new ground in general surgical training” by Peiris and colleagues.1 First, I completely agree with the notion that breast reconstruction is beneficial for many women undergoing mastectomy or significant volume loss with breast-conserving surgery. The corollary of this is that all women facing this type of surgery must be informed of all treatment options. Both Alberta2 and Ontario3 (using evidence-based approaches with multi-disciplinary panels that included breast oncologists and plastic surgeons) have recommended standardized information about breast reconstruction early in the decision-making process, encompassing all types of breast reconstruction, including implant-based, autologous flap, and combination reconstructions (i.e., autologous with implant)


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