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n+-p-p+ Silicon Solar Cell Base Optimum Thickness Determination under Magnetic Field

DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2020.127009, PP. 103-113

Keywords: Silicon Solar Cell, Magnetotransport, Surface Recombination Velocity, Base Thickness

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Base optimum thickness is determined for a front illuminated bifacial silicon solar cell n+-p-p+ under magnetic field. From the magneto transport equation relative to excess minority carriers in the base, with specific boundary conditions, the photocurrent is obtained. From this result the expressions of the carrier’s recombination velocity at the back surface are deducted. These new expressions of recombination velocity are plotted according to the depth of the base, to deduce the optimum thickness, which will allow the production, of a high short-circuit photocurrent. Calibration relationships of optimum thickness versus magnetic field were presented according to study ranges. It is found that, applied magnetic field imposes a weak thickness material for solar cell manufacturing leading to high short-circuit current.


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