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Crushing Mechanism for Soil Particles

DOI: 10.4236/wjm.2020.106006, PP. 69-82

Keywords: Rod Mill, Soil Aggregate, Breaking, Load Test, Abrasion

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Typically, soil samples must be crushed into particles for laboratory research. Thus, an efficient mechanism to ensure a uniform particle size is essential. We previously developed a rod mill device that performs well, but video analysis indicated that the shear forces applied by the rod were more effective than the compressive forces applied by the mill. The mechanism for this phenomenon is unclear. This study focused on clarifying the relationship between compressive load and abrasion when crushing dried and hardened soil particles. Soil pellets of the same size were prepared, and model experiments were performed, where vertical compression and abrasion were applied to the pellets until they fractured. The results showed that soil pellets were fractured easily when an abrasive load was continuously applied in the circumferential direction. Additionally, the load required to fracture the soil pellets was much lower than the required vertical compressive load. The rod mill device was previously thought to fracture soil aggregates by gradually stripping soil particles away from the surface. However, our experimental results clarified that the fracture process started at the center and subsequently induced the entire pellet’s sudden failure.


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