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Determination of Phase Transformation for TC21 Ti-Alloy by Dilatometry Method

DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2019.91001, PP. 1-10

Keywords: TC21 Ti-Alloy, Phase Transformation, Dilatometry, Heating, Cooling

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The α + ββ phase transformation kinetics of TC21 Ti-alloy during continuous heating and cooling were studied using a dilatometric technique. Dilatometric heating curve exhibited that two characteristic reflection points can be observed with increasing the heating temperature. Ts referred to the initial transformation temperature of α + ββ and Tf referred to the final transformation temperature of α + ββ. Ts was reported at 720°C, whereas the corresponding Tf was obtained at 950°C. The initial and final transforming temperatures by the first derivative curve were reported at 730°C and 955°C, respectively, which are close to the values obtained in the dilatometric heating curve. Dilatometric cooling curve showed that the starting temperature of ββ + α phase transformation was 880°C; however, the corresponding finishing temperature was 670°C. The starting and finishing temperatures using the first derivative curve were obtained at 665°C and 885°C, respectively. The first derivative for the studied dilatometric heating and cooling curves showed that the starting and finishing temperatures of α + ββ phase transformation were more accurate and objective. Results show the α + ββ transformation heating curve exhibits a typical S-shaped pattern.


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