This paper presented a new Floquet analysis used to calculate the radiation for 1-D and 2-D coupled periodic antenna systems. In this way, an accurate evaluation of mutual coupling can be proven by using a new mutual interaction expression that was based on Fourier analysis. Then, this work indicated how Floquet analysis can be used to study a finite array with uniform amplitude and linear phase distribution in both x and y directions. To modelize the proposed structures, two formulations were given in a spectral and spatial domain, where the Moment (MoM) method combined with a generalized equivalent circuit (GEC) method was applied. Radiation pattern of coupled periodic antenna was shown by varying many parameters, such as frequencies, distance and Floquet states. The 3-D radiation beam of the coupled antenna array was analyzed and compared in several steering angles θs and coupling values dx. The simulation of this structure demonstrated that directivity decreased at higher coupling values. The secondary lobs in the antenna radiation pattern affected the main lobe gain by energy dispersal and considerable increasing of side lobe level (SLL) may be achieved. Therefore, the sweeping of the radiation beam in several steering directions affected the electromagnetic performance of the antenna system: the directivity at the steering angle θs = π⁄3 was more damaged and had 19.99 dB while the second at θs = 0 had about 35.11 dB. This parametric study of coupled structure used to concept smart periodic antenna with sweeping radiation beam.
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