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A Simplified Microcontroller Based Potentiostat for Low-Resource Applications

DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2015.54005, PP. 37-46

Keywords: Potentiostat, Voltammogram, Microcontroller, Randles-Sevcik, Scan Rate

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A low component count, microcontroller-based potentiostat circuit was developed through the use of operational amplifiers arranged in different feedback configurations. This was developed to alleviate the cost burden of equipment procurement in low-cost and budget applications. Simplicity was achieved in the design by the use of the microcontroller’s native functionalities and a low-cost R/2R resistor ladder digital-to-analogue converter. The potentiostat was used to investigate the Ni2+/Ni(s) redox couple in a 3-electrode cell with a silver/silver chloride reference electrode and graphite counter and working electrodes. Linear sweep voltammograms were ob-tained at scan rates of 10, 20, 30 and 40 mV/s. The analysis of the peak current versus (scan rate)1/2 plot indicated that the Ni2+/Ni(s) reduction, though conforming to the Randles-Sevcik equation, was a non-reversible redox reaction.a


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