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ISSN: 2333-9721




Detailed CFD Modelling of Open Refrigerated Display Cabinets

DOI: 10.1155/2012/973601

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A comprehensive and detailed computational fluid dynamics (CFDs) modelling of air flow and heat transfer in an open refrigerated display cabinet (ORDC) is performed in this study. The physical-mathematical model considers the flow through the internal ducts, across fans and evaporator, and includes the thermal response of food products. The air humidity effect and thermal radiation heat transfer between surfaces are taken into account. Experimental tests were performed to characterize the phenomena near physical extremities and to validate the numerical predictions of air temperature, relative humidity, and velocity. Numerical and experimental results comparison reveals the predictive capabilities of the computational model for the optimized conception and development of this type of equipments. Numerical predictions are used to propose geometrical and functional parametric studies that improve thermal performance of the ORDC and consequently food safety. 1. Introduction Nowadays, the energy spent during the commercialization of food products stored at refrigerated temperatures is about 50% of the total consumption of energy of a typical supermarket [1]. The growing of energy consumption in the commercial sector is due to the increasing demand of large quantities of perishable food products in urban areas and to an effective rigorous regulation of the sector as well as quality and food safety requirements of consumers. In past decades, the investments and costs associated with food refrigeration increased with the installation of refrigeration equipment to maintain perishable products in perfect conditions for consumption [2]. This trend continues as the worldwide demand for commercial refrigeration equipment that is projected to rise 5.2% annually through 2014. Beverage equipment demand will post the fastest gains among products. Reach-in and walk-in coolers and freezers are expected to post solid gains due to their widespread use in all of the major markets. Display cabinets will benefit from a growing middle class, which will spur gains in the food and beverage retail segment [3]. A large part of the refrigeration equipments installed in supermarkets, and retail stores are vertical open refrigerated display cabinets (ORDCs). This merchandising solution contributes to the largest part of electrical energy consumption related with refrigeration on these sites [4]. This type of appliance is equipped with a recirculating air curtain that establishes an aerothermodynamics barrier between the conservation space and the environment, without physical


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