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Construction of Solidus Lines of Binary Metal Systems Having a Low Solubility of Components in the Solid Phase

DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2014.43008, PP. 65-71

Keywords: Binary Metal System, Cadmium, Zinc, Tellurium, Phase Diagram, Solidus Line, Eutectic Transformation, Retrograde Solubility

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The paper presents the calculation results on the construction of solidus lines of phase diagrams for some binary metal systems based on cadmium, zinc and tellurium. The investigations have been carried out using the phase equilibrium thermodynamics and known liquidus lines. By the calculation method the solidus lines of phase diagrams of the Cd-Na, Cd-Tl, Te-Ga, Te-As, Te-Cu and Zn-Sn systems were constructed in the temperature range from the base component melting point to the eutectic transformation temperature. In the Cd-Tl, Te-As, Te-Cu and Zn-Sn systems a retrograde solubility of the second component in the solid phase was observed. The temperature and maximum solubility values at the retrograde behavior of solidus lines, as well as, the limiting solubility values of components at eutectic transformation in the systems based on Cd, Zn and Te were determined.


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