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Ultrasonic Fatigue of Ti40Zr10Cu34Pd14Sn2 Glassy Alloy

DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2014.43007, PP. 56-64

Keywords: Ultrasonic Fatigue, Metallic Glass, Fracture, Casting, Biomaterial

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In this work, ultrasonic fatigue behavior of the Ti40Zr10Cu34Pd14Sn2 glassy alloy was investigated at 20 kHz at a stress ratio of R = -1. The number of cycles to failure in the S-N curve obtained in this work did not decrease again even after 107 - 108 cycles unlike previous findings for some steels. The fatigue endurance limit and the fatigue rate were σW = 762 MPa and σWB = 0.37, respectively. Fish-eye type inertial crack initiation, reported in many papers on giga-cycle fatigue testing, was not observed. A tendency for the fatigue strength of the Ti40Zr10Cu34Pd14Sn2 glassy alloy specimens to be divided into two groups was observed, that is, specimens with a short fatigue lifetime (<106 cycles) with distinct cast defects as crack initiation sites and the other specimens with a long fatigue lifetime (>106 cycles). This may have been caused by accidental nucleation of micro-defects such as impurities, voids and precipitates in the glassy rod specimens during the casting.


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