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FEM Simulation of Distortion and Residual Stress Generated by High Energy Beam Welding with Considering Phase Transformation

DOI: 10.4236/ojmetal.2014.42004, PP. 31-39

Keywords: Welding Distortion, Residual Stress, Laser Beam Welding, Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding, Phase Transformation, FEM

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A series of experiments was carried out so as to elucidate the effect of the phase transformation in the cooling process on welding distortion and residual stress generated by laser beam welding (LBW) and laser-arc hybrid welding (HYBW) on the high strength steel (HT780). Then, the experiments were simulated by 3D thermal elasticplastic analysis with FEM (Finite Element Method) which was performed with using the idealized mechanical properties considering the transformation superplasticity. From the results, the effects of the phase transformation on welding distortion and residual stress generated by LBW and HYBW were elucidated. Furthermore, the generality of the idealization of the mechanical properties was verified.


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