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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Cytotoxicity of Algae Extracts on Normal and Malignant Cells

DOI: 10.4061/2011/373519

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Algae preparations are commonly used in alternative medicine. We examined the effects of algae extracts on normal hematopoietic cells and leukemia cells. Ethanol extracts were prepared of Dunaliella salina (Dun), Astaxanthin (Ast), Spirulina platensis (Spir), and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). Cell viability effects were completed by Annexin staining. Ast and AFA inhibited HL-60 and MV-4-11 whereas Dun and Spir had no effect. Primary AML blasts demonstrated increased apoptosis in AFA. Primary CLL cells showed apoptosis at 24 hours after exposure to Dun, Ast, Spir, and AFA. High AFA concentrations decreased viability of normal marrow cells. Normal viability was inhibited by Dun. Dun and AFA inhibited BFU-E, but all extracts inhibited CFU-GM. Cell-cycle analysis of AML cell lines showed G0/G1 arrest in the presence of AFA. These data suggest that algae extracts may inhibit AML cell lines and leukemia blasts, but they may also have potential inhibitory effects on normal hematopoiesis. 1. Introduction Plants provide a valuable source of therapeutic agents and bases for synthetic drugs. Several plant species have been studied for anticancer properties, and it is estimated that approximately 40%–50% of the drugs on the market today are either derived from natural products or are natural products themselves [1]. Nonetheless, comprehensive and systematic evaluation of “natural” products is required to demonstrate efficacy and safety for clinical use. The Center for Complementary Health Studies defines complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as “any health-improving technique outside of the mainstream of conventional medicine” [2]. The general public is very accepting of CAM, with recent reports stating that 34%–38% of the US adult population was using CAM [3], and 7.4% of the population had seen a CAM practitioner during the last 12 months [4]. There is growing interest among scientists to understand and potentially utilize traditional complementary medicinal compounds. Hundreds of plant products are available as nutritional supplements, many of which have not been scientifically evaluated. Several species of algae have received recent attention with claims of boosting the immune system and preventing cancer, but experimental evidence supporting such claims is limited. Based on the common use of algae or algae components in supplements to boost immunity and to affect oxidation status, our laboratory undertook a study of extracts and byproducts of four species of algae commonly used as nutritional supplements. Extracts of Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis)


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