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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Historical Context of the Rise of China and the Entry Point of the Transformation of the Development Pattern

DOI: 10.12677/etw.2012.21001, PP. 1-6

Keywords: 自我肯定需求;资源涌现;发展方式转变;社会保障个人账户
Self-Assertiveness Demand
, Resources Emergence, Transformation of the Development Pattern, Social Security Personal Account

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The subprime mortgage crisis of the United States in 2007 has evolved into global game of sovereign currencies, and the appreciation of Chinese currency RMB has been one of the focuses. By analyzing the history of China since Qin Dynasty and the development history of western countries in the last five cen-turies, a new concept of self-assertiveness demand is introduced and a new theory of supply and demand in the process of income distributions is proposed. Self-assertiveness demands describe the demands originated from human cognitive tendency to confirm self value. Normally, people tend to give themselves higher than average evaluation within their scopes, and expect to receive more than they would be supplied, if possible. Therefore, the total self-assertiveness demands of a society tend to exceed the total current supplies. This gap is a challenge to any ruler or manager. To maintain a harmonious and stable society, the excessive demand has to be met with extra supplies. We propose four types of extra resource supplies in accordance with the challenge: learning and innovations, external acquisitions, overdraws from the future, and dynastic changes. It is the key to the rise and fall of nations that their citizens’ self-assertiveness demands are properly satisfied. China is now facing a chance of once-in-a-millennium, an intersection between Chinese two-millennium his- tory and the five-century global modernization. Three resource emergences, learning, trade surplus and re- starting from ruins, are taking place in China simultaneously. The abundant emerging resources are the driving force behind economic development, but failure to properly utilize the resources will lead to formation of economic bubbles, and the consequent bust of the bubbles will result in heavy losses of public wealth which in turn exerts permanent harms to sustainable development. It is, therefore, proposed to


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