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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




An Analysis of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2012.23013, PP. 39-47

Keywords: 古罗马兴衰;财富涌现与流转;自我肯定需求;额外供给
The Vicissitudes of Roman
, Emergence and Transfer of Wealth, Self-Assertiveness Demands, Extra Supply

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The vicissitudes of a nation largely depends on whether its wealth emergence can meet people’s self-assertiveness demands. From the eighth century B. C. to the second century A. D., Roman had grown into the most powerful country dominating Europe, Asia and Africa within more than 1000 years. However, she just collapsed within less than 200 years. Based on the analysis of demographic and territorial changes of Roman, it is found that the rise of Roman results from a synergic effect of both expansions and innovations as indicated by road system constructions and land distributions. In about 600 years, the population and territory had increased by 600 times and 6000 times respectively. As expansions and road system constructions reached their limits, overdraw from the future and religion practice became the dominant governing method to maintain the empire. However, when the wealth emergence mentioned above exhausted and all governing institutions stopped functioning, Roman Empirecame to an end.


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