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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Measurement of Real Estate Bubble and Its Applications

DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2012.23009, PP. 15-21

Keywords: 房地产泡沫;资产定价
Real-Estate Bubble
, Asset Pricing

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We always come across the term “real-estate bubble” in various media in our daily life, however, not many of us can give a proper definition or explain the meaning of it. Basically, real-estate bubble is the deviation of the market value of a real-estate from its fundamental value. Most of the measurements of bub- bles are using level values of relevant data (e.g. Return-discounting model and index model), rather than us- ing the growth rates. This paper uses the deviation between the growth rate of real-estate price and the “re- fined” marginal return of capital to measure bubbles. Since this method involves a smaller number of relevant variables, it is more simple and direct. Applications have been made to the analyses of land price of Japanand property-price ofHong Kong, since 1980s, and real-estate bubbles of the two economies can be shown clearly in simple graphs.


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