中国丹霞世界自然遗产地丹霞地貌发育的红层盆地全部形成于中生代,尤其是白垩纪盆地内部形成了巨厚的红色碎屑岩系,为丹霞地貌的发育提供了物质基础,随着地壳的隆升,内力是矛盾的主要方面。此外,研究地的丹霞地貌主要分布在红层盆地的边缘地带,在大断裂线的控制下,丹霞地貌空间展布以北东方向为主,构造隆升叠加在上述水平分异之上,局部导致丹霞地貌垂直分异,造成同一地带丹霞地貌的发育不均衡,使丹霞地貌空间分异更加复杂。随着构造隆升的丹霞岩体,在外力的不断侵蚀下,发育成各具形态的丹霞地貌类型。这样,在内力“主导”和外力“雕塑”的共同作用下,发育了绚丽多姿的丹霞地貌。 Danxia landforms which interacted by the internal and external forces are integrations with time, space, and substances. From the time category, all red bed basins of red inland continental facies clast formation which were formed under hot-dry climate environments in the Mesozoic era provided material bases for the development of Danxia landforms. As the crustal monement, the internal force is the main factor of contradictions at that time. From the space category, Danxia landforms are mainly distributed in the verges of red bed basins. The spatial extension of the study areas is mainly along NE direction under the control of main fault line, the directions of sub-faults and sub-joints which are NW, NNE, or EW superimpose the main fault line of NE direction and bring complicities to the Danxia landforms horizontal differentiation. The development of Danxia landforms are acted by the internal and external forces then. From the perspective of substance category, tectonic uplifts which superimpose those horizontal differentiations which bring vertical differentiation of Danxia landforms. Caves and grooves were developed as the lithologic differences eroded by external forces and developed next stages. So the colorful various Danxia landforms were developed under the main action of the internal forces and sculpture action of the external forces.