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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Content of Total Phenols in Red Heart and Wound-Associated Wood in Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)

Keywords: phenols , spectrophotometry , reaction zone , Folin-Ciocalteu reagent , beech

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The structure of wound-associated wood has been relatively well studied in beech, but only a little information about the occurrence of extractives and particular classes of compounds in these tissues is available. We examined the content of total phenols and variability in their distribution in sapwood, wound-wood and the reaction zones walling-off typical red heart and xylem altered by wounding in two beech trees, using spectrophotometric method. Significant differences in total phenols in different types of beech wood, as well as differences between trees, were confi rmed. Concentrations of total phenols were markedly lower in red heart than in reaction zones and sapwood extracts. The content of total phenols was highest in extracts of the reaction zones formed as a direct response of sapwood to wounding. Differences in the content of total phenols in reaction zones walling-off typical red heart and directly wounded xylem indicate differences in their formation process, in alterations to surrounding tissues and in the characteristics of individual trees.


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