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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Comparing of Employees Motivation Level in Enterprises of Wood Working Industry with other Manufacturing Enterprises in Slovak Republic

Keywords: Employee motivation , motivational program , methods of motivation analysis

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This paper is focused on the area of motivation and motivational programs for employees in the wood industry and in other manufacturing enterprises (engineering, food, chemical and textile). The main objective of this paper is to compare the motivation of employees within manufacturing companies of various categories. We analyzed the current state of motivation of employees within manufacturing companies throughout Slovakia. The analysis was made of 21 enterprises with 2 576 employees in different job positions. The order of importance was made for 30 selected motivational factors in wood industry and other manufacturing enterprises. The evaluation of statistical correlation between the two compared groups was made by use of the Spearman correlation coefficient, by which statistical dependence was defined between the category of workers and the category of technical-economic employees. The results show fundamental difference of the importance of motivational factors within technical and marketing staff of woodworking companies and other manufacturing companies. In the category of workers, diversity of the importance of motivational factors is less signifi cant. Our analysis showed that in a long period of time all employees keep their motivation at a constant level.


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