Water-table Control Using Ordinary Kriging in the Southern Part of CameroonKeywords: Cameroon , groundwater levels , Water-table , semivariogram , kriging , geostatistics Abstract: In this study, application of the kriging technique for the spatial analysis of groundwater levels is shown. The data set consists of measured elevations of the water table at about 70 points during the last five years (2009-2012) in Sangmelima region (South-Cameroon). From these measurements, an experimental variogram was constructed to characterize the spatial variability of water level. Pentaspherical, spherical, exponential, power, linear and gaussian variogram models were fitted to the experimental variogram. The model having the least error 1.77 and 0.001 according to the cross validation criteria was selected by comparing the observed water-table values with the values predicted by empirical variograms. It was determined that, linear model is the best fitted model for the studied area and can be used as tool to conduct desertification control process in this equatorial zone.