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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Effect of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Supplementation on Production Performances, Egg Quality Characteristics and Intestinal Microflora of Laying Hens

Keywords: hens , egg quality , feed , intestinal microflora , Jerusalem artichoke , prebiotic , feed additive

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Three-hundred and twenty-four days of 24 weeks hens were used to examine the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) supplementation as dietary prebiotic in feed on performances, egg quality characteristics and intestinal microflora of laying hens. The dietary treatments were divided into 4 groups and each group consisted of 6 replications with 18 hens. The study were divided into one control (without Jerusalem artichoke) and 2 treatment groups; (1) supplementing 50 ppm of dried Jerusalem artichoke in diet and (2) supplementing 100 ppm of dried Jerusalem artichoke in diet. At the end of feeding trial (8 weeks), supplementing Jerusalem artichoke in feed did not influence feed intake, final body weight, egg production, egg weight and egg mass (p>0.05), however 100 ppm of dried Jerusalem artichoke significantly increased albumen ratio, yolk:albumen ratio and albumen height of eggs (p<0.05). Furthermore, 100 ppm of Jerusalem artichoke significantly increased lactic acid bacteria population in the caecum of hens (p<0.05). On the other hand, yolk weight ratio, shell weight ratio and shell eggs thickness of eggs did not influence by Jerusalem artichoke. It can be concluded that Jerusalem artichoke useful as dietary prebiotic to accomplish egg quality characteristics and intestinal lactic acid bacteria population of laying hens.


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