IMPACT OF THE JAKU EVEC-PRUDINEC WASTE DISPOSAL SITE ON GROUNDWATER QUALITYKeywords: Jaku evec-Prudinec waste disposal site , groundwater , heavy metals , pollution index Abstract: The main goal of the research shown in this paper is to investigate the cause and effect relation of the Jaku evec-Prudinec waste disposal site and the groundwater pollution. The recovery of the Jaku evec-Prudinec waste disposal site by the end of 2003 did not have any significant impact on the pollution reduction in groundwater. Very high values of the pollution index defined in the area southeastern from the waste disposal site show spreading of the pollution toward Mi evec village. The analysis of the hydrogeochemical characteristics showed that in the waste disposal site area the local geochemical anomalies of the partial CO2 pressure exist, indicating that the intensive carbonate dissolution processes and HCO3- enrichment dominate in this area. Near the border of the waste disposal site groundwater with high ammonium ion (NH4+) and chloride ion (Cl-) dominates. The high concentrations of the heavy metals and very strong geochemical bonds determined from the correlation coefficients show that in the reductive aquifer conditions heavy metals strongly release.