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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Eco-Status of Chiropteran Fauna in and Around Barmer, India

Keywords: Eco status , Chiroptera , Eco-transformation , Thar Desert , Barmer.

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The survey was carried out from 2010 to 2012 to assess the eco-status of chiropterans in and around Barmer (24°85’04” to 26°32’20”N Latitudes and 70°05’35’’ to 72°52’14’’E Longitudes) in the Great Indian Desert (Thar Desert), India. The population dynamics, species richness and distribution of bats were examined at all possible sites revealing that eco- transformation in this area positively affecting the chiropteran bio-diversity and richness in this area. Up to 1982 only three microchiropteran species i.e. Rhinopoma microphyllum kinneari, Pipistrellus tenuis, Taphozous perforatus perforatus were recorded in this area and the present study revealed five new species in this area. The newly species added from microchiropterans are Rhinopoma hardwickii, Taphozous melanopogon, Taphozous nudiventris and from megachiroptera i.e. Cynopterix sphinx, Pteropus giganteus giganteus. These findings suggest that eco- transformation in and around Barmer area of Thar desert positively affect the demography and species richness of bats in this area.


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