The Study of Conservation State of a Wooden Church from Boz Village, Hunedoara County, RomaniaKeywords: conservation state , wooden church , interventions , interior paint Abstract: The study presents the conservation state of the wooden churches from Hunedoara County, Mures Valley, Boz village. This is an example of the rich patrimony of this area. The problems encountered at Boz church are the effects of different causes, including those with major impact: biological degradation and deterioration, human intervention and humidity effects. After analysing the state of conservation of this monument, we specified the interventions that need to be done at the building’s components, emphasizing especially the emergency measures that cannot wait. In order to save this monument, which is a representative one for the wooden architecture of this area, it is necessary to implement the scientific project and to establish certain specialized committees and teams, whose goal should be is to save the entire monument, not only parts of it– as it has been done so far at this church and at almost at all the studied churches.