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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Assessment of Wild Ungulates in the Karnali Flood Plain of Bardia National Park, Nepal

Keywords: Bardia National Park , distribution , ungulate , habitat preference.

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The population of ungulates depends on the habitat factors and prey-predator interaction. This study aims to explore the habitat preference of ungulates and their relation with associated predators in the Bardia National Park, Nepal. The study was based on the transect survey and indirect observation of ungulates. Spotted deer recorded the highest density and blue bull recorded the lowest. Hog deer preferred mostly flood plains habitat and barking deer preferring mixed hardwood forest and tall grass flood plains. However, barking deer completely avoided the riverine forest and flood plain habitats. Swamp deer preferred Phata (grassland) and blue bull was recorded only in flood plains. The higher concentration of ungulates’ pellet groups were found in areas close to water sources. The study concluded that different habitat features influence the distribution and abundance of ungulates. The higher density of spotted deer and hog deer suggests these species as the major prey base to maintain viable populations of tigers in the park.


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