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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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Eco-Transformation and Electrocution. A Major Concern for Decline in Population of Vulture in and Around Jodhpur

Keywords: Endangered , Diclophenac , Electrocution , Mortality , Vulture decline , Thar.

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Vultures are large sized birds with late maturity and a low reproductive output, making populations especially vulnerable to adult mortality following environmental and anthropogenic perturbations. During last few decades, the Thar has witnessed tremendous human activities, because of population explosion. It has undergone phenomenal eco-transformation with dry land turning in to wet in several parts of the Thar Desert. The population explosion in this region has generated several new challenges towards the habits of Vulture. The finding of current investigation suggested that changes in traditional cattle treatment pattern, increase in the feral dogs population, presence of high tension electricity poles near to dumping sites, unavailability of food and water and opening of carcass waste management treatment plant has adversely affects the Vulture’s biodiversity in the study area.


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