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ISSN: 2333-9721
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On Typical Materials Acting as the Dividing Standard of the Development Stages of Human Substance Civilization

Keywords: substance civilization , human society , typical materials , dividing standard , production relations , the tool of production , three-age system theory , six-age systems theory

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During more than three million years, the substance civilization of human society went through the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the Steel and Cement Age, and the Silicon Age. At the beginning of the new century, the human society has entered into the Nanomaterials Age, which indicates that a completely new substance civilization of human society has started. This paper analyses and discusses why the typical materials serve as the only standard for dividing the eras of the substance civilization of human society. The author argues about the subject of dividing the substance civilization of human society. The goal is to initiate broad and thorough discussion of that subject so as to get a rather thorough understanding about it.


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