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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Química Nova  2003 

Isolamento e avalia o da atividade nematicida de constituintes químicos de Mucuna cinerea contra Meloidogyne incognita e Heterodera glycines

Keywords: nematodes , natural nematicides , velvet bean

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Phytochemical investigation of the aerial parts and roots of Mucuna cinerea led to the isolation of a mixture of fatty acids, triacylglicerols, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, stigmasterol glucoside, daucosterol, asperglaucide (4) and the isoflavonoids prunetin (1), genistein (2), medicarpin (3), daidzein (5), 7-O-alpha-glycopiranosyl daidzein (6). An in vitro bioassay was carried out with compounds 1-4, at the concentration of 50 and 5 mug mL-1 against the phytonematodes M. incognita and H. glycines. Although the four compounds showed some nematocidal property, the most active was (1), causing 70% mortality of M. incognita at the concentration of 50 mug mL-1.


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