IMPLEMENTATION OF DRAMA IN EDUCATION IN WORKING WITH JUVENILE OFFENDERSKeywords: juvenile offenders , drama in education , cooperation between institutions and non-governmental associations Abstract: The paper brings the results of the qualitative research about possibilities of implementation of drama in education as a specific method of work with juvenile offenders. The data were obtained on the ground of the transcript content analysis of interviews conducted with eight juvenile offenders who were continuously included in three month program of drama in education in the Juvenile Rehabilitation Center Turopolje. Beside the analysis of the juveniles perspective, based on triangulation principle, the work analyzes also key presumptions for the efficacy of this working method with juvenile offenders from the trainers perspective (analysis of trainers notes content) as well as research professionals perspective (comparation with current theory and practice knowledge). Qualitative analysis of the results has shown that drama in education is recognized as an effective method by professionals and very well excepted method by juvenile offenders. The results show that drama in education can be used as a back-up method for basic treatment programs in institution for juvenile offenders. This kind of aftermath program can promote juveniles functioning and quality of their life in institutions as well as the resocialization process after leaving institution. It is concluded that it is valuable to support the continuation of the cooperation between state institutions and non-governmental sector in apprehending programs based on drama in education with juvenile offenders.