STIGMATIZATION AND PICTURE OF SELF IN JUVENILE PERPETRATORS OF CRIMINAL ACTSKeywords: stigmatization , juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts , self-image , self-esteem Abstract: The goal of the research was to examine the level of stigmatization in juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts and to determine correlation between formal and informal stigmatization and picture of self (self-image and self-esteem).Participants were male juveniles (N=704) in age 14-21 divided into three groups: A. juveniles who did not commit crime (N = 432), B. juveniles with non-institutional measures because of committed criminal act (including juveniles with applied principle of opportunity) (N = 146) and C. juveniles with institutional measures (after the court procedure because of committed criminal act or on the ground of Social Welfare Center Resolution) (N = 126). Following questionnaire were used: Questionnaire for examination of informal stigmatization experience UNS-D, Offer's Revised Self-image Questionnaire OSIQ and Coppersmith’s Self-esteem Questionnaire.The results show that juveniles to whom were applied principle of opportunity (lower formal stigmatization) do not experience less informal stigmatization comparing to juveniles to whom were applied non-institutional measures after the court procedure (higher formal stigmatization). Juveniles with institutional measures, who are more formally stigmatized experience more informal stigmatization comparing to juveniles with non-institutional measures, also they have lower picture of self. Juveniles with non-institutional measures have better self-image comparing to juveniles who did not commit criminal act. Juveniles who did commit criminal acts and who experience more stigmatization from persons in their social surrounding have lower self-esteem and lower self-image. This results back up the labeling theories and their explanation of development of delinquent identity.