ROLE OF SPORT ACTIVITIES IN THE FORMATION OF ETICHO-MORAL VALUESKeywords: education , behavior , sport , fair play Abstract: Moral values play an essential role in the orientation of UMA, us, in setting the objectives and goals to be attained, the strategies and ways of action; they, the matter shall be referred to states or modes of action, siderate cone to be delisted, interiorizate and sedimentate in personality and become, together with the detailed rules atitudinale, component elements of constituting its sources and reasons for his lambs autono person in its relations with the environment and with the world. The purpose of the work shall consist of identification the means by which sporting activities influence values formation etico-moral. As a hypothesis, we assume that by using diverse sporting activities, lawful planned are formed and would consolidate the values etico-moral individual. Moral values by caprice become structural component of human personality constituting, along with attitudes, the potential ac ional the individual.