ASPECTS REGARDING THE POST-TRAUMATIC HAND RECOVERYKeywords: physical therapy , trauma , recovery program , functional capacity Abstract: This paper aims to highlight the need of individualized rehabilitation program by presenting various features of seven cases with different post-traumatic sequelae. I started from the hypothesis that it is not enough to apply a recovery program formed of electrotherapy procedures and free active mobilisations without a specialist in order to obtain an satisfying recovery. Each case was monitored for a period of at least 3 months; recovery programs have been adapted and individualized so that 4 patients received combined programs physio-physicaltherapy, while 3 patients followed a strict physiotherapy program. The results showed that it is absolutely necessary to individualise a recovery program based on the particularities of each case and not just the type of injury generally, because those 4 patients that received an individualized rehabilitation program recovered in higher percentages than the other 3 patients who received electrotherapy program.