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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Keywords: physical education , consolidation , development , motor qualities , games of the movement

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Physical education and sports activity in schools is continuously modernizing which requires finding new methods, procedures and means to put it into practice as well as the continuous perfecting of the already existing ones.According to this task I have written this paper that concerns exactly the continuation of praticing physical education during free time, too. It aims to assimilating the technico-tactical methods through the monosport type lesson and also the development of specific motor qualities of the game.The formulated hypotheses:1. The first hypothesis confirms the efficiency of acquiring the handball game through the monosport type lesson, opposed to the bisport type lesson.2. Teaching handball through the monosport type lesson influences the development of motor qualities in the experiment class in a superior way different from the witness class.The experiment took place during the 2010-2011 school year for two 9th grade classes.In order to evaluate the efficiency of the methods used we assumed a permanent control of the indices of training. That is the reason why there were planned initial and final tests that included control trials specific for handball and classical trials to evaluate the level of development of the motor qualities from the National System of School Evaluation.By inerpreting the results of the research we can assert that the two formulated hyptheses were confirmed.The aim of the research is to demonstrate that handball is both an easy and accessible sport to practice as base and equipment. It allows the acquisition of numerous technico-tactical methods as well as their application in a game in a relatively short period of time during the monosport lesson.Research objectives:1. To experiment a project of teaching technico-tactical methods specific to the handball sport game through a monosport lesson.2. To integrate driving systems that are specific to teaching technical handball methods as well as to develop combined motor qualities (characteristic for handball)3. To elaborate and apply handball control tests and classical tests to evaluate the level of development of the motor qualities found in the National Evaluation School System for both groups (experiment and witness), in order to evaluate the acquisition of the technical handball methods and of the monosport lesson efficiency.4. To practically evaluate, along the experiment, the efficiency of applying the elaborated driving systems (actual work with both classes – the experiment class was applied the monosport handball lesson while for the witness class the recq


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