COMPARATIVE STUDY CONCERNING THE USE OF STRETCHING AND OF THE MYOTENSIVE METHOD FOR MUSCLE RELAXATION IN THE CASE OF PATIENTS WITH COXARTHROSISKeywords: mobility , coxofemoral joint , contracture , pain , walking Abstract: Both stretching and the Myotensive method are used during the recovery for the relaxation of the contracted, shortened or spastic muscle groups. The objective was to achieve relaxation of the shortened muscle groups on the level of the hip, to diminish the pain, to increase the joint mobility as well as to achieve a stable and balanced walking. As working methods we used the Myotensive method in the case of group 2 and the stretching in the case of group 1, together with other methods and approaches specific to recovery. The results achieved show an increase in the muscle strength and in the joint mobility for both groups. In conclusion, we can state that both methods can be used in order to increase joint mobility, but the Myotensive method has greater efficiency in relaxing the contracted muscles in case of coxarthrosis compared to the use of stretching for the same purpose.