PRACTICAL METHODS OF CONTROL AND ESTIMATING THE LEVEL OF SPORTSMEN’S TRAININGKeywords: control , quotient , evaluation , efficiency , integrated , preparation , result Abstract: Estimating the efficiency quotient in the competitionactivity of a sportsman facilitates the appreciation oftheir actual level of training. Basic data for researchingthe dynamics of the results are the control indicators.The results of the evaluation of the level of training onindicators of operative, current (present) control, ofstage and final control allow realizing the individualcumulative indexes for each sportsman. In order toidentify the integrated index of the sportsmen’s training,it is necessary to cumulate the results of all the types ofcontrol. The aim of the study is to identify the practicalmethods to control and evaluate the individualcomponents of training, competition activity andintegrated level of training the sportsmen. The system oftypes of control suggested by the authors shows that thebasic data of studying the level of training of thesportsmen are indicators of initial evaluation. The totalof the sportsman’s results for all the types of controldetermines the individual cumulative index. Theformulas to calculate the integrated level of training andthe efficiency of the participation to competition of thesportsmen can identify their strong and weak points intraining, and according to them, make adaptations in thetraining curricula.Thus the control in the field of sports is an indicator ofthe level of sportsmen’s training, an instrument tooptimize the process of training and participation tocompetitions based on some objective evaluations of thedevelopment of the different qualities and of the integrallevel of training.