STUDY REGARDING THE IMPACT OF THE COACH’S PERSONALITY OVER THE EVOLUTION OF ATHLETESKeywords: coach , model , abilities , sports performance Abstract: The coach represents and remains a model for the athlete, even if certain aspects of one’s behaviour havechanged depending on the demands and evolution of that specific sport. The responsibilities which are specific to thecoach are bigger now, becoming more and more complex. Moreover, the coach is an important factor for sportsperformance, together with the athlete’s efforts.The objective of the present paper is the investigation of coach’s features of personality, of one’s abilities and roleswhile obtaining performance at athletes aged between 16-18, pupils at The Highschool with Sports Program of Ia i (90subjects: 30 from football, 30 from handball and 30 from athletics). Reseach hypothesis: a) performance athletesappreciate personality features associated with positive features of coaches and also aspects which are connected to thecoach’s activity; b) performance athletes who practice different sports (football, handball, athletics) differently perceivepersonality features of coaches and their activity.Knowing the personality of the coach is very important, first of all due to the need of forming specialistsaccording to the needs of the upgraded model for athletes capable of performance and high performance, secondly forthe fact that the coach is the educator who should form the athlete, the coach is responsible for sportive performance.