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Axle Load Determination of Truck with Trailer and Truck with Semitrailer for Wood Transportation

Keywords: axle load , truck with trailer , truck with semitrailer , measuring platform

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In Croatian Forestry wood transportation is usually carried out by trucks with trailer (forest truck unit) and trucks with two-axle semitrailer (forest semitrailer assembly). As they travel on public roads, they are subject to severe legal restrictions on allowable loads of axles and the whole vehicle. The basic legal regulation that defines some technical features is the Regulation on Technical Conditions of Vehicles in Road Traffic – (Official Gazette Narodne novine , No. 51/10). Based on the analysis of the said Regulation, it can be concluded that the maximum load of the forest truck with trailer is 26 t for the truck and 18 t for the trailer, and that the total mass of the truck and the trailer must not be more than 40 t. At the same time individual load of single-axles must not exceed 10 t, and of the dual axles 18 t in total (Fig. 2).Due to the above said legal restrictions of the total mass of loaded truck assemblies and allowable axle loads, need has arisen in forestry practice for measuring truck units during their loading, i.e. right before entering public roads. As a result of direct measurement of axle loads of forest truck units, no limit values would be exceeded in wood transportation. The transport of adequate load mass in accordance with legal restrictions and recommended load capacities of trucks and trailers (semitrailers) would reduce maintenance costs of forest roads and increase the life cycle of technical equipment.However, axle loads as well as total mass of forest truck units depend on the type of load (type of wood assortments, species of wood), wood moisture, way of piling wood assortments in the load space of the truck, trailer and semitrailer.The aim of this research is to establish the effect of load mass on axle loads of the truck with trailer and truck with semitrailer and determine the reliability and applicability of the new measurement system (portable measuring platform) used for carrying out the measurements.The first truck unit (Fig. 6) consists of the Iveco Trakker 440 truck and trailer. The truck is equipped with forestry accessories and crane Epsilon Palfinger E110Z Plus, the trailer is equipped with forestry accessories. The second truck unit consists of a MAN truck (Fig. 7), equipped with the crane Cranab 2190 and semitrailer equipped with forestry accessories. The axle loads were measured by a portable measuring platform (Fig. 4). The dimensions enable setting of all wheels of dual axles of trucks or semitrailers, which makes the measurement easier.The results of research show the measured values of axle loa


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