ON THE HISTORY OF RESEARCH AND EXPLOITATION OF VUKOMERIAN LIGNITES – Ljudevit noble Farka VukotinoviKeywords: History of mining , Vukomeri ke gorice , Kravarsko , mining entrepreneurs Abstract: In the history of research and exploitation of lignites in the latter half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century nearby Kravarsko and its wider surroundings, the hills of Vukomeri ke gorice, operated the following mining entrepreneurs: Ljudevit noble Farka Vukotinovi , Egidius Kornitzer (Kornicer), Edmund U(t)czas (Uca ), and others. The most significant lignite deposits are concentrated between Kravarsko and Cerje, which was proved by a research drill around the middle of the 20th century. By the end of the Second World War some mines, particularly mining equipment in Kravarsko were devastated, and since they were not operational, some were flooded. Edmund Uca sold the mines in Kravarsko to a Josip Donovald from Zagreb in 1945. The new owner did not register his purchase for fear of being dubbed a war profiteer, so the matter was left for his descendants to settle in better times, that is, after some 50 years. This was possible because they had preserved the relevant documents: the agreement on the purchase of the mine, Governor`s deeds, and other documents, such as ore fields, mining permits, mining profile, etc. The settlement of war damages perpetrated by the partisans requires the presence of experts on law, mining, economy, etc. With the mining documentation, as well as documents related to the issued ore fields Kravarsko I and Kravarsko II, with 9 research drills and 20 mining permits, the results of mining research and exploitation of lignites on the eve of, and during World War Two, were rendered much more accessible!