Hg SOIL GAS AND Hg SOIL DISTRIBUTION AROUND FORMER ZRINSKI“ MINE ON MT. MEDVEDNICA, CROATIAKeywords: Hg , soil gas , soil , Pb-Ag-Zn mineralization , Zrinski“ mine , soil pollution , geochemical maps , Medvednica Abstract: The purpose of this study is to present the field and laboratory researches, statistical analyses and graphical displays of the results of Hg soil gas and Hg soil distribution in the area around former mining site Zrinski“ on Mt. Medvednica. The values of overall Hg concentrations in the soil gas show lognormal distribution, and their spatial distribution outlines the connection with the present Pb-Ag-Zn mineralization and confirms anthropogenic origin of uneven landscape relief (waste rock clusters). Regression analysis of the dependence between Hg contents in the soil gas and the distance from the mine entrance (correlation coefficient r) also points to the considerable spatial dependence. Hg soil contents show as well distribution similar to lognormal, and there is a slight correlation when compared with Hg soil gas content. Concentrations are mostly within background values, except in the immediate vicinity of the mine entrance where the values are significantly higher due to the mineralization influence concentrated in the waste-rock clusters. Soil pollution caused by mercury is of local character with the spreading tendency to the south-west because of the dominant relief influence. Mercury found in the soil of the research location derives from the present mineral body and former mining activities, while possible anthropogenic atmospheric inputs from remote sources can not be proven on the basic of conducted research studies.