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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Study on optimal configuration of seismological observation network for coal mine

Keywords: Rockburst,Microseismic observation system,Microseismic network configuration,D-optimal design,Localization,Comprehensive index method,Numerical emulation experiment

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The rockburst phenomenon caused mostly by mining-induced tremors becomes progressively more severe as the mining depth and extent increase. Microseismic monitoring technique, as the major investigation tool for the monitoring of rockburst and other mining dynamic hazards, has been widely used in many coal mines around the world. To ensure the accuracy of seismic source locating and energy calculation, and further improve the feasibility of rockburst forecasting, an optimal design and assessment system of network configuration needs to be built first. In this paper, according to practical conditions and requirements of coal mines, especially the accuracy of picking seismic wave arrivals at stations and building velocity model, the main influencing factors and bad conditions which influence the accuracy of source location were analyzed using the theory of D-optimal design and localization. A view of using the comprehensive index method to determine the high microseismic activity zones and the occurrence probability of mining-induced tremors were also proposed. Then, the general principle of choosing candidate points of geophone stations and monitoring area were established. In addition, since the location capacity of network can't be reflected accurately using the source standard error calculated by the traditional theoretical analysis, the model of expected epicenter and hypocenter error was created by numerical emulation experiment, and then the optimal design and assessment system of network was built up finally. The results from experiment and field practice show that, the optimal design and assessment system can be used to solve the optimal plan of network quickly, evaluate the location ability of network exactly, and can satisfy the requirements of microseismic monitoring in coal mines quite well.


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