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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Method of strain calculation based on the cross-fault short-baseline observation—taking the Tangshan deformation data as an example

Keywords: Fault model,Elastic model,Tangshan station,Crustal deformation

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Cross-fault observation is one of the important methods in fault movement study. Here a method for strain calculation using a fault model, elastic model, and combination model is introduced based on the cross-fault short-baseline observation, and the crustal deformation data from Tangshan station is taken as an example. By comparison of the amplitudes and trends of the displacement and strain within the same period, the combination model is taken as the best. Meanwhile, different kinds of segment combinations are used for those models and the reason of the difference between cross-fault observation and GPS is also discussed. And it may be more likely that the connection bench should be on the east side of the fault.


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