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Publish in OALib Journal
ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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The method in establishing strain field and velocity field of crustal movement using least squares collocation

Keywords: Least squares collocation,Crustal movement,Unified model of velocity field,Strain field,GPS

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In this paper, a unified model and method to establish velocity field of horizontal movement and the strain field using GPS data based on the principle of least squares collocation is proposed. Meanwhile, some questions are discussed, which include the influence of different reference datum in describing velocity field and its geometric deformation meanings, and the influence of different scales of space and frequency domain in describing strain filed. Then, the GPS data obtained from the regional networks of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China is processed and analyzed. Lastly, the model proposed in this paper is used in the whole mainland and the capital region of China, which have very different spatial scales.


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