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ISSN: 2333-9721
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地球学报  2001 

The Early Tertiary Shahejie Faulted Trough in Eastern Liaohe Basin and Its Implications to Oil and Gas Resources

Keywords: Liaohe basin,eastern concave,Shahejie Formation,faulted trough

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This paper presents a discussion on the formation, depositional filling and oil and gas distribution in the faulted trough within the eastern Liaohe basin. Researches show that the formation of the faulted trough is related to the extension and slipping of dominant faults, and the fillings in the faulted trough are characterized by channel sandstones of lateral and radial fan deltas along the trough slope and axis, which constitute the favorable locations for oil and gas reservoirs. A lot of fractures and pores within volcanic rocks on the highland of the trough were formed by fault slipping, giving birth to volcanic oil reservoirs. Exploration indicates that the No.3 member of Shahejie Formation in the faulted trough is rich in oil and gas resources.


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